Source : & Indonesia has a lot of great places to visit during holidays, and one of them is colorful villages that located on various regions over this country. Local government decided to reconstruct these villages that once unnoticed as the best sight-seeing destination in Indonesia among tourist. Quoted from, here are 5 best destinations of colorful villages in Indonesia that you sure don’t want to miss !

1. Jodipan Village, Malang

Used to be slum and dirty, now Jodipan Village that located on Brantas riverbansk turned into one of the most popular destinations among tourist as the best colorful village in Indonesia. Right at north side of the village, you can find at least 80 amazing murals painted in 3d by local artist. Every small alley on this village filled with incredible painting that will give you an aesthetic yet cozy vibe.

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2. Teluk Seribu Village, Balikpapan

Located on east Kalimantan, one of the main attractions of this village beside its colorful vibe is the small alley full of beautiful murals from local artist connected to a small dock with colorful boats. This small dock is used by local people and tourist to visit Teluk Seribu mangrove forest, another attractions from this village that focuses on nature preservation. Local government purposely beautify this village with colorful painting and murals in order to introduce Teluk Seribu as one of the best travel destination in Indonesia to local and international tourist.

Source : &

3. Code Village, Yogyakarta

You can see the perfect view of this hidden gem right from above Gondolayu bridge in Kotabaru. Code village was once a slum area that never been visited by tourist. Father YB Mangunwijaya, an architect and catholic religious leader in this village started to transform this ordinary village into an art gem in 1980. With a great murals and paintings all over the place, added with an amazing residential contour in the hills that blends perfectly with nature, Code village is a great place to spend your holiday away from the frenetic city.

Source : &

4. Kali Werno Village, Semarang

Located on Bejaten region in Ambarawa, Semarang, Kali Werno village is split by Kalipanjang River. Every house in here has a different pattern of paintings, which enriches the beauty of art in this village. Although the paintings are not done yet throughout the whole village, Kali Werno village is already famous among local and international tourist. The colorful painting on the walls makes it a perfect spot for people with photography enthusiast or for people who wants to update their Instagram feed with aesthetic piece. Not only the houses, bridges on Kali Weno village have been painted beautifully too by local artist.

Source : blogspot &

Which art is the best??[][Bella Setiawati]]