What comes to your mind when hearing about Indonesian food? Rendang, meatballs, satay, and fried rice may come to your mind as some super delicious Indonesian foods that recognized by the world. However, have you ever heard about tempoyak or snail curry (gulai siput)? Quote from, here are Indonesian foods that will blow your mind.
1. Tempoyak
Tempoyak is a food that made of fermented durian. You think this is a dessert? The answer is a big no. Tempoyak was usually eaten with rice as side dishes. You can also eat this food directly without rice. However, not many people do this kind of thing, because Tempoyak has sour taste and smelly. Furthermore, Tempoyak was also used as spices for other food. This unique food is really famous in Palembang, Lampung, Bengkulu, and Jambi.
2. Snail Curry
Snail is known as pest in agriculture or some food for ducks. Who knows? This pest can become a delicious food in Riau, named snail curry. In Riau, this food that was called as “Gulai Cipuik” combined snail and many Indonesia spices. Yummy!
3. Papeda
This food is really famous in Maluku and Papua –like, you can find it almost in every Papua and Maluku area. Papeda is made of sago starch that saved in a tool named Tumang. This sago starch was processed until it has glue-like consistency and usually eaten with yellow sauce, Tongkol fish, or Mubara fish. Don’t forget the turmeric and lime juice to maximize the taste.
Can you imagine a food that was made from a mouse? Me neither. Still, this delicious food Kawok was made from a rat, especially rat that live in the forest. Forest rats only eat plant, so it is safer to eat them. This Kawok usually roasted and added with spicy spices, like rica-rica in Manado.
5. Botok Tawon
This food that was made from wasp larvae will give you a goosebumps. Botok Tawon is an extreme culinary that can be found in Central and East Java. Nowadays, this culinary is difficult to find because it is hard to search the hive.
Dare to try these?[][Cynthia Li]]